Responsive Classroom for Students

Responsive Classroom for Students

A Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based approach to education that focuses on the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). Social and emotional skills play an essential role in children as well as teens. These skills have an impact on a kid’s health well being and his success in the future. They enable them to accomplish positive results in school, work and life in common.  Social and emotional skills are nurtured throughout childhood.  They lay the groundwork for skill development in one’s the latter part of adulthood. The skills that are learned at primary level act as building blocks for more intricate skills learned throughout secondary school. Children from unhealthy ambiance have a tendency for less self-control and emotional health than children from a healthy ambiance.

The following are the key Socio-emotional elements usually cover cognitive and behavioral competencies:

Self-awareness: is to recognize one’s own thoughts and feelings. Trying to understand how they influence the behavior, feeling self – confident and appraise one’s personal strengths and weaknesses.

Social awareness: is to have empathy and understand others, to respect diversity and to understand social and cultural behavior.

Relationship skills: is to establish and keep up healthy and gratifying relationships. To communicate unmistakably, to listen well, cooperate with others and to negotiate conflict.

Self-regulation: is to standardize one’s emotions, thought and behavior. To manage stress, control inclinations, set a goal and to work towards it.

Responsible decision making: is to make a constructive choice about one’s behavior based on an ability to empathize and see the perceptions of others.

So the schools can have processes to support the kids with social, behavioral and emotional needs. They can follow a responsive classroom system that gives room for social-emotional learning. It creates a strong, safe and positive ambiance. Students will learn to build healthy relationships and how to be a positive member of a larger community through this method. Adolescents spend a huge proportion of time at schools. So, at Sri Amogha, we have exclusive counseling sessions for students and our Proctor programme addresses the grievances of our students and it nurtures their mental health too. Our classrooms are every inch receptive in all aspects. Independent research has found that the Responsive Classroom approach is associated with higher academic achievement in math and reading, improved school climate, and higher-quality instruction.

Important realms of a Responsive Classroom:

Appealing Academics:

Creating the tasks that are active and interactive, challenging and focused which are associated with students’ interest.

Positive Community:

Nurturing a sense of belonging and emotional safety so the students will feel relaxed working with an array of peers.

Efficient classroom Management:

Creating a calm and composed environment which allows the students to focus on learning and encourages self – sufficiency.

Morning meetings:

The students can gather for fifteen minutes to twenty minutes at the commencement of each school day to greet, share, to indulge in a group activity and to exchange a morning message.

Setting up rules:

The teacher and the students can work mutually to name individual goals for the year and set up rules which help the students reach the goals.


Short, fun-filled, engaging and playful or group activity can be implemented as breaks in lessons.

Interactive models:

An open practice for teaching measures and customs such as those for entering and exiting the classroom as well as academic and social skills such as engaging with the textbooks or giving feedback and accepting the feedback.

Reasonable consequences:

A non-inflicting response to misbehavior of a student will allow the teachers to set limits and the students to stick and learn from the mistakes while keeping up the decorum.

So the teachers and the authorities come forward and implement the measures today to support a kid’s social-emotional skills for making him a better person tomorrow.

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